Noble Healthcare

Fresubin Intensive 500mL EasyBag

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1.2 kcal/ml  50 g protein

High protein early enteral nutrition to meet the needs of critically ill patients1,2. Fresubin Intensive is designed for the dietary management of patients with or at risk of malnutrition, in particular critically ill patients including trauma, surgery, sepsis or burns. Fresubin Intensive is a 1.2 kcal/mL tube feed with high biological value protein (10 g/100 mL) rich in essential and branched chain amino acids to help preserve lean body mass and reduce catabolism3.

Available in 500 ml EasyBag.

  • Moderate energy: 1.2 kcal/mL – 600 kcal per bag
  • High protein: 50g protein per bag (100g per Litre)
  • 100% whey protein hydrolysate, low in fat with MCT* for improved digestion, absorption and gastro-intestinal tolerance4,5
  • Modified carbohydrate profile with low glycaemic index to improve glycaemic control and to minimise blood glucose fluctuations6,7
  • 3g/day of EPA** and DHA*** from fish oil and antioxidants to induce immune-enhancing effects8 and to meet the stress-induced elevated needs of critically ill patients8,9
  • With fish oil
  • With fibre


1) Singer P et al. Pragmatic approach to nutrition in the ICU: expert opinion regarding which calorie protein target. Clin Nutr 2014;33(2):246–251.
2) Taylor S et al. Critical care: Meeting protein requirements without overfeeding energy. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2016;11:e55–e62.
3) De Bandt JP, Cynober L. Therapeutic use of branched chain amino acids in burn, trauma and sepsis. J Nutr 2006;136:308S–313S.
4) Bauer J et al. Evidence-based recommendations for optimal dietary protein intake in older people: a position paper from the PROT-AGE Study Group. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2013;14(8):542–559.
5) Koopman R et al. Ingestion of a protein hydrolysate is accompanied by an accelerated in vivo digestion and absorption rate when compared with its intact protein. Am J Clin Nutr 2009;90(1): 106–115.
6) Hsu CW. Glycemic control in critically ill patients. World J Crit Care Med 2012;1(1):31–39.
7) Vaquenzo-Alonso C et al. Guidelines for specialized nutritional and metabolic support in the critically ill patient. Update. Consensus SEMICYUC-SENPE: Hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus. Nutr Hosp 2011;26(Suppl. 2):46–49.
8) Hegazi RA, Wischmeyer PE. Clinical review: Optimizing enteral nutrition for critically ill patients – a simple data-driven formula. Crit Care. 2011;15(6):234.
9) McClave SA et al. Guidelines for the Provision and Assessment of Nutrition Support Therapy in the Adult Critically Ill Patient: Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N). JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2009; 33: 277–316.

ALLERGENS: This product contains milk, and fish oil.

Fact Sheet

15 per pack


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