Noble Healthcare

Fresubin Original 1000mL EasyBag

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1 kcal/ml  38g protein

Starter tube feed to build up a nutrition regime and for patients with or at risk of malnutrition, in particular with lower energy needs. Design to meet the nutritional needs of patients with a normal metabolism, protein need 0.8 g / kg BW.

Available in 1000mL EasyBag.

  • Energy: 1.0 kcal/mL – 1000 kcal per bag
  • Protein: 38g per bag
  • With high quality protein for a balanced amino acid provision1
  • Fibre free for patients who cannot tolerate fibre
  • With fish oil
  • With 20 µg Vitamin D per RDD according to latest nutritional recommendations for persons without endogeneous synthesis like immobile patients2-4
1) World Health Organization. Protein and amino acid requirements in human nutrition. WHO technical report series. 2007;935.
2) Dawson-Hughes B, Mithal A, Bonjour JP, et al. IOF position statement: vitamin D recommendations for older adults. Osteoporos Int. 2010;21(7):1151-1154.
3) Nordic Nutrition Recommendations: Integrating nutrition and physical activity.5th edition. 2012
4) D-A-C-H: Referenzwerte Für Die Nahrstoffzufuhr; 2018.


ALLERGENS: This product contains milk, soy and fish oil.

Fact Sheet

8 per pack


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